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Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Search For Light Flaky Pie Crust

I have been baking and designing for events so much, that I haven't had time to blog..
Wong, Wongggg...  But, I'm Back !!

Today, I am going to share with you my journey and now search for the best light flaky pie crust.
I prepared the pie crust from the Pioneer Woman cookbook.. I wasn't impressed, although the Pioneer Woman uses this crust from another culinary artist.

The crust was heavy and a thick chalky tasteless cookie. It was definetly appetizing , but it wasn't what I was looking for in a delectable flaky apple pie crust. There are many recipes out there that uses butter and shortening, so my job is to figure out how to make the perfect pie crust for sweet and savory.  I will give this recipe another chance with using half and half butter and shortening. I will see if I can create the light and flaky pie crust that I'm looking for in my journey of delicious pie crust. The pie filling was so delicious !!!! I will share my recipe when I have a full recipe to delight your taste buds.

A picture of the Apple pie from my Instagram pictures.  Don't you just love Instagram !

Photo: Apple Buttery Pie .. Ohhh, So Yummie! http://instagr.am/p/LYg5Q4sSDf/